Sen. Tom Carper’s final major piece of legislation passes through Congress, bringing more federal funding and flood resiliency efforts to Delaware.
Sen. Tom Carper secures federal funding for the beach replenishment project north of the Indian River Inlet Bridge along Route 1.
Carper says Walz being “tarred and feathered” for his service record is sad, noting the vice presidential candidate apologized for misspeaking about implying he was in active combat.
After piloting a Direct File tax system in 12 states this year, the Internal Revenue Service is expanding the service to all 50 states.
Bombay Hook cut the ribbon on the $5.6 million center last October, largely thanks to funding secured by Carper in the federal Great American Outdoors Act.
U.S. Sen. Tom Carper arrived at Slaughter Beach Monday to announce an additional $10 million for coastline protection projects, but thanks to the Army Corps of Engineers, that number more than tripled.
The University of Delaware’s STAR campus is preparing to welcome a new piece of the state’s growing biopharmaceutical industry.
Delaware Coastal Airport in Georgetown gets additional federal dollars for a new runway expansion project.
Katz served in the Delaware Senate as a Democrat from 2008 to 2012, but now he is running for retiring Senator Tom Carper’s seat under the Independent Party of Delaware banner.
Delaware State University along with the Inner City Cultural League celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tuesday