This week, The Green offers the latest edition of the Direction Democracy podcast from the University of Delaware Center for Political Communication.
This podcast is part of the Center for Political Communications' upcoming National Agenda series – Direction Democracy – which this fall will examine where we’ve been, where we are going, and the current state of democracy in the United States.
On this episode, Delaware Public Media news director Tom Byrne is joined by the UD Center for Political Communication Associate Director/National Agenda series director Lindsay Hoffman and UD Dept. of Political Scienec and International Relations chair David Redlawsk, who his sabbatical in Iowa this fall following the Presidential race there.
They discuss what Redlawsk is seeing in Iowa, the impact the impeachment inquiry into President Trump could have on voters there and elswhere, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's visit to UD to speak as part of the Direction Democracy National Agenda series.