Some Dover businesses are picking up the pieces after demonstrations took a turn for the worse Sunday night. Several businesses were vandalized as protesters marched from downtown up Route 13 to the Dover Mall area.
Forever 21 at the mall and a nearby Cricket Wireless suffered significant damage - and Dover Police reports a handful of other stores throughout the city suffered some exterior damage. Dover Police Spokesperson Master Corporal Mark Hoffman adds two arrests were made.
“One was for an individual that was throwing rocks at an occupied police vehicle. And other one was stealing items or attempting to steal items from the front of Home Depot,” Hoffman said.
Hoffman dispelled any rumors that officers injured a demonstrator who had a medical issue.

“There was a rumor online that they were struck by a Dover Police vehicle. So, things like can have the potential to escalate the situation and be the spark that light the fire if you will,” Hoffman said.
Hoffman adds only a small percentage of demonstrators participated in looting and rioting. He noted most of the protesters were respectful.
Protesters initially gathered peacefully at the Dover Police station and in front of Legislative Hall in response to the death of George Floyd. The group then marched through downtown and along U-S Route 13.
Dover is the latest city where protests for the death of George Floyd started peacefully- only to end in violence. Wilmington saw more significant damage Saturday night.