Seaford is the beneficiary of a federal grant to help with energy efficiency in the city.
Energize Delaware is giving grants to public libraries in the state so they can go solar.
Residents and businesses in the City of Newark will get the option to purchase 100 percent renewable energy later this year. Newark City Council recently…
The City of Dover plans to buy power from a pair of solar projects expected to be the biggest in the state to date. The 50-megawatt Raceway array…
Delmarva Power customers who move to solar will get benefits from Green Energy Fund.DNREC announces grant increases for both commercial and residential…
A new law in Delaware removes red tape barring some homeowners from adding solar panels to their property.Gov. John Carney (D) signed State Rep. Kim…
A quarter of the penalties DNREC collects each year for violations of environmental regulations return to the communities where those violations occurred…
Power at Fort Delaware State Park in Delaware City now comes from hundreds of solar panels rather than an old diesel generator, and is expected to…
The federal administration’s new tariff on imported solar panels has some Delaware installation companies worried that increased prices could hurt their…
A New Castle County code change could have major implications for solar power in the First State. The county has changed its code to allow commercial…