The Delaware Division of Public Health has announced two new cases of the Zika virus, bringing the total number of cases in the state to seven. Two New…
The First State is seeking a significant uptick in flu cases.Delaware’s Division of Public Health reports the state had 92 new lab-confirmed flu cases…
The Delaware Division of Public Health offered more information Wednesday on the state’s first Zika virus case - but not much.The CDC confirmed the case…
Another flu season is beginning and Delaware’s Division of Public Health is urging residents to prepare by getting a flu shot."It's the best protection,"…
New data shows Delaware's obesity rate dropped off slightly in 2014 -- but the First State still has the highest obesity rate in the mid-Atlantic and…
State police and public health officials are warning of an uptick in reports involving potent, unregulated medical marijuana chocolate bars.Troopers say…
As we approach the summer months, the risks of getting dangerous sunburns increases. Each year, two million people are diagnosed with melanoma. But…
A sample of hummus made by the Sabra Dipping Company tested positive for a bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes which has resulted in a nationwide…
Delaware has now officially reported more cases of the flu this year than 2009-2010, when the state experienced an outbreak of the notorious “swine…
The state Division of Public Health reported a confirmed case of Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or VRSA, in New Castle County Thursday.DPH…