A lawsuit filed by an inspector of elections in Delaware claims early voting and permanent absentee provisions passed by state lawmakers are unconstitutional.
The city of Seaford faces two separate lawsuits over a new city ordinance on abortion. But the ordinance could be blocked by courts before it even comes into effect.
The city of Seaford passes an ordinance imposing requirements on the disposal of fetal remains.
An agreement is reached in a lawsuit over new cell towers installed in Dewey Beach that sparked outrage from residents.
Two pastors are suing Gov. John Carney over restricting religious freedom in the state.But a legal expert says they are unlikely to be successful.
Two Delaware pastors are suing Gov. John Carney to enforce their right to worship freely.
A group trying to build a new theatre complex in downtown Rehoboth Beach is now suing the city for that opportunity.The Clear Space Theatre Company has…
Former Republican Gubernatorial candidate Julianne Murray has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court seeking to force legislators to return to in-person…
More Millsboro-area residents are taking Mountaire Farms to court, filing a second suit against the poultry producer for allegedly contaminating…
The family of Amy Joyner-Francis is suing the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District and the two students charged in the beating that led…