The First State is mourning the death of a former State Elections Commissioner on Election Day.Elaine Manlove and her husband Wayne were killed in a crash…
The November 3rd General Election will likely see an unprecedented level of mail-in voting in Delaware and nationwide.President Donald Trump has…
Delaware’s outgoing Elections Commissioner Elaine Manlove says she approves of Gov. John Carney’s pick to replace her.Carney announced Thursday his…
Two Republican candidates for statewide office have been cleared of wrongdoing by the state elections office.Delaware Elections Commissioner Elaine…
Common Cause Delaware has posted a link to bid data the First State received to replace its current voting machines.Six vendors, Electec Election…
Delaware Elections Commissioner Elaine Manlove says the state has started evaluating the bids to buy new voting machines in time for the 2020 presidential…
Delaware officials have learned the state was targeted by Russian hackers attempting to influence last year’s election.But State Elections Commissioner…
Delaware is the latest state to say “no” to a White House commission asking states for data from its voter rolls.The Presidential Advisory Commission on…
State elections officials say there’s no evidence of campaign finance fraud or collusion on the Democrats’ side with just over a week left to go before a…
Zero cases of ballot stuffing, voter impersonation or election hacking. That’s the amount of rigging Delaware’s elections commissioner has seen over the…