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West Nile cases found in First State horses

Delaware’s Office of the State Veterinarian says it’s confirmed two cases of West Nile Virus in horses.


Both horses are from Kent County.


The animals were each separately evaluated after showing signs of wobbling and staggering earlier this month. One was confirmed to have contracted West Nile on August 24th, the other on August 28th.


Neither animal has shown signs of significant improvement.


One horse had no vaccination history and the other was not up to date with its West Nile vaccine.


There were two total cases of West Nile in Delaware horses last year.


And so far this year in Delaware two cases of West Nile have been found in humans.


West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis are diseases transmitted to horses and people via mosquito bites.


DNREC’s Mosquito Control Section has seen an increase of West Nile found in wild birds and sentinel chickens this year throughout the state and has confirmed three cases of Encephalitis in sentinel chickens.

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