The Delaware Department of Insurance releases its year-in-review data for 2024.
The department’s data shows growth again in the Delaware Health Insurance Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act.
Delaware had about 45,000 policyholders in 2024 with almost 8,000 paying a premium at or below $10 per month.
And Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro says more applied in open enrollment for 2025 which started at the end of last year.
"During open enrollment for 2025, we had another record-setting, almost 53,000 Delawareans enrolled in coverage from our 4 carriers. So it's been a good year, and we're hopeful that we'll be able to continue this trend,” said Navarro. “We're worried that the funding from the feds could potentially change."
Navarro notes that change could result in a profound impact on the amounts people pay on premiums if the assistance goes away.
He adds Delaware did already codify many ACA protections like guaranteed coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and for women’s health and contraceptives.
The review also shows that the Department of Insurance helped residents recover money.
The Consumer Services staff processed over 5200 complaints and inquiries which was about a thousand more than in 2023.
"We successfully recovered over six million dollars for consumers who had a little more than twice that amount in dispute. So it doesn't hurt to call us. It doesn't cost you anything to call us, and many times when we call the insurance companies on your behalf, it's resolved that day," said Navarro.
The report also shows the department’s Medicare Assistance Bureau held almost 5,000 one-on-one counseling sessions, working to save about $2.21 million for consumers.
And that bureau helped residents address claim settlement issues outside of court, settling 193 cases out of 384 arbitration cases for an amount of almost $518,000.
The Fraud Bureau processed 751 new referrals - an increase of more than 100 over 2023. It closed 577 cases including 22 criminal cases carrying about 90 criminal charges and several civil penalties.