Parents complying with child support payments get various licenses back from Delaware Division of Child Support Services.
Most of the licenses were driver’s licenses, but the Division of Child Support Services looked at other types of licenses as well including hunting and fishing, business, and professional licenses.
In total 1,167 non-custodial parents got their licenses back, and this was after a review of 1,352 active child support cases dating back to 2013.
DCSS Division Director Ted Mermigos says those who received licenses hit certain criteria.
"We went back and looked at non-custodial parents who have made consistent child support payments for the last 6 months, and we decided that is a good point in time to say hey they've made a consistent effort to make those consistent child support payments so let's give them back their driver's licenses," said Mermigos.
Mermigos adds the hope is to make this effort of restoring licenses regular - as long as non-custodial parents meet the criteria and fulfill their child support obligation.
DCSS can suspend driver’s, recreational, business, and professional licenses issued by partnering state agencies for parents owing at least $3,500 in past due child support or failing to make a payment ordered by Family Court in the past 60 days.
Mermigos says there is a goal in promoting this effort of returning licenses.
"To try and get other people to say 'hey if I start to become consistent with my child support obligation maybe they'll go ahead and give me my license back or they were willing to work with a group of non-custodial parents I'm hoping that they're going to want to work with me,' and we do," said Mermigos.
Mermigos notes in this case the request to look at the cases came in a listening session, but in the future the hope is to have town hall meetings either in person or virtually in each county.
Parents who believe they have made payments for six months or more and have a license suspended by child support services are encouraged to contact Child Support Services.