The November 3rd General Election will likely see an unprecedented level of mail-in voting in Delaware and nationwide.President Donald Trump has…
Officials are calling the trial run of the state’s new voting machines a success. They were used for the first time in last week’s school board elections…
Delaware lawmakers signed off Monday on a new voting system for the First State.The co-chairs of the Bond Bill Committee released money set aside in the…
Some say the First State could have been more transparent in selecting its new voting system.Voting rights advocates complain the state had already chosen…
A task force charged with finding new voting machines for Delaware made its decision Tuesday.The task force voted unanimously to award the contract to…
Common Cause Delaware has posted a link to bid data the First State received to replace its current voting machines.Six vendors, Electec Election…
The state of Delaware says it needs more time to comply with an open records request from Common Cause Delaware seeking bid information on new voting…
The Delaware Office of Management and Budget has requested $10 million for new state voting machines.But the state has not released any bid information on…
Delaware will put out a request for bids on new voting machines by the end of month.Delaware’s current voting machines have been in use since 1996.The…