State leaders are looking to continue efforts of restoring racial equity through the state.
A constitutional amendment protecting equal rights for all Delawareans is now in place after unanimously clearing its final hurdle in the House. The…
The preliminary report from one Law Enforcement Accountability Task Force subcommittee stalled before approval. The various task force subcommittees are…
Many— including President-elect Joe Biden— have pointed out the difference between the police response to white pro-Trump extremists invading the U.S.…
The African American Task Force Safety and Justice Subcommittee met for the first time Tuesday. The subcommittee’s goal is to gather experiences from many…
The African American Task Force met for the first time to begin tackling issues of race in the First State. The task force is just one of the many items…
Gov. John Carney signed legislation banning the use of chokeholds by police officers in the First State. He signed the bill in a prerecorded video…
Wilmington City Council considered an agenda Thursday that consisted almost entirely of legislation related to policing reform and racial justice. Some…
Delaware students have joined a nationwide trend of anonymously sharing their experiences of racism and bias at school on social media. The "speak up"…
Protesters gathered and chanted along Philadelphia Pike near the Delaware State Police Troop 1 starting at noon Saturday.Candidate for state…