Congress recently moved to invest in the nation’s estuaries, including two in the First State.The Protect and Restore America’s Estuaries Act was signed…
There’s a new license plate for sale in Delaware.The new plate, featuring the American horseshoe crab, will help motorists who purchase it show off their…
The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary has a new residential shellfish recycling program in Delaware.The nonprofit uses shells to maintain the 1,300…
The latest Delaware Estuary Science and Environmental Summit is getting underway. The 2019 edition of the four-day summit is in Cape May, New Jersey."The…
The Clean Water Act nonprofit Partnership for the Delaware Estuary (PDE) is planning to build a hatchery for mussels to improve water quality in the…
Two new reports on water and environmental quality in Delaware say there has been some recent improvement in key indicators but that more needs to be done…
Wilmington is hosting a large Earth Day Celebration this Friday afternoon. The annual Wilmington Earth & Arbor Day celebration is the largest of its kind…
Hundreds of volunteers will gather this weekend to pick up litter across the Christina River watershed. Participants can choose among 15 different sites…
The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary is collaborating with the Delaware Museum of Natural History to exhibit nature photography which highlights both…
Environmental activists and members of the public gathered on a rainy morning in front of Legislative Hall in Dover to rally for clean water quality in…