State environmental regulators cited an asphalt plant for releasing excess dust in an area where residents already complain of poor air quality. DNREC…
Results are in for two multi-year air quality studies examining complaints from Delaware residents in industrial areas. Residents of the Eden Park…
New Castle County officials have collected more data on attitudes toward a theoretical buyout in two Route 9 neighborhoods surrounded by industry. A…
New Castle County continues to investigate solutions for two neighborhoods off Route 9 that are surrounded by heavy industry. A County-commissioned survey…
An clean air advocate has some concerns about the slag grinding facility proposed for near the Port of Wilmington. Walan Specialty Construction Products…
Some residents near a proposed slag grinding facility have taken a hard line against it. Others are hoping to work with the company planning to build it.…
Residents of Southbridge will press for more answers about a proposed slag grinding facility at a community meeting Saturday.Walan Specialty Construction…
This story was originally published Sept. 14, 2018. New Castle County has finished surveying residents of two communities along Route 9 about…