The Department of Elections says initial reports of those automatically registered to vote being ineligible to vote in Tuesday's primary has been resolved.
New Castle County is making progress toward redrawing its councilmanic districts, with data from the 2020 Census that shows population growth. Under state…
Republican state lawmakers unveil a package of bills seeking to change voter ID laws and reform the election system as a whole. The package of bills are…
The Department of Elections needs more space for future elections. That’s the takeaway of the Department’s budget hearing Thursday. Election Commissioner…
A record number of Delawareans have returned mail-in ballots. State elections officials have gotten a jump on processing them. Early voting nationwide…
The Delaware National Guard has been activated to support the cybersecurity of the upcoming election. It’s the first time the Guard has been activated for…
The state is gearing up for a high turnout in next month’s General Election.The state Board of Elections met Monday for the last time before the election,…
This week, Delawareans who already requested vote-by-mail ballots for November’s general elections started receiving them and could begin filling them out…
The state primary election is just days away. Tens of thousands are returning their ballots under the no-excuse vote-by-mail option. Delaware’s…
Gov. John Carney and the state Election Commissioner addressed fears over the U.S. Postal Service’s ability to handle mail-in ballots for upcoming…