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First State seeing an uptick in West Nile Virus

DNREC is warning about increased West Nile Virus activity in Delaware, and urging people to take precautions against mosquitoes.

DNREC says it’s seeing increased activity in many areas through the sentinel chicken stations they use to monitor mosquito-transmitted diseases like West Nile Virus

Statewide, a total of 40 sentinel chickens have tested positive for West Nile Virus with 25 of them occurring in the last few weeks.

The virus has been detected at 10 sentinel chicken stations involving 32 chickens in New Castle County, six stations and four chickens in Kent County and four chickens at two stations in Sussex County.

The state has only seen one human case of West Nile Virus so far this year, but DNREC notes this is the peak time of year for mosquito-transmitted disease activity.

DNREC says people can avoid or reduce mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants and applying insect repellent around dusk, dawn, and at night.

And property owners can reduce mosquito-breeding habitats by draining or removing outdoor items that collect water and discarding buckets or containers.

Tom Byrne has been a fixture covering news in Delaware for three decades. He joined Delaware Public Media in 2010 as our first news director and has guided the news team ever since. When he's not covering the news, he can be found reading history or pursuing his love of all things athletic.
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