One New Castle County town is exploring the idea of restarting its police department due to its growing population.
The 2010 census showed the Town of Townsend’s population was 2,049 - an increase of nearly 500 percent over the year 2000.
And town officials say they are now close to 3,000 residents.
That growth prompted the Town Council to ask City Manager Anthony Mangeri to look into restarting the police department.
"Townsend. a long time ago, did have a police force," said Mangeri. "This is really more a conversation about - we are currently serviced by Delaware State Police in our area - and looking at what really is necessary to maintain and enhance safety and security of our residents in our community as we grow.”
Mangeri adds that a local police force would not only provide patrol and protection, but could help with quality of life issues as well.
He notes the town is comfortable with its current arrangement with State Police, but wants to examine all options.
“That is the process that we’re in right now - is to evaluate this feasibility. What would it cost? What's the right way to do this? What are alternatives, by the way? There are alternatives that we want to look at as well. But we want to make sure that we’re providing the right safety and security for our residents,” said Mangeri.
Mangeri adds he has reached out to nearby jurisdictions to see if they are interested in a regional police department or a contracted service for a municipal police department.
He is scheduled to report back to the Mayor and Council by May with the results of his efforts.