The Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) says it’s always working to make sure the public is aware of what to do in the event of various emergencies, including some you may not often think about.
With Salem/Hope Creek nuclear plant just across the Delaware River in New Jersey, the state has a Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) plan.
“The REP plan is Delaware’s procedures that would be followed in the event of an accident at any of the nearby nuclear power plants," said DEMA spokesman Gary Laing. “It’s a very comprehensive procedural manual of what would be done here in the State of Delaware in the event of a problem at one of the nearby nuclear power plants - the closest one at Salem/Hope Creek in New Jersey.”
Laing says the REP plan starts with the basics about radiation – what it is, what kind of hazard it presents, and how the public can be protected.
This has been around for a number of years, but we’re required on an annual basis to do some kind of media outreach. So this year we sent out the email with the infographic of what our plan is or how it works,” says Laing.
There are four emergency classification levels related to the Salem/Hope Creek plant. Laing says the infographic explains each of them and how they would impact the public.
DEMA hopes residents will print and keep the infographic so they have a source of basic information handy in the event of a radiological emergency.
You can find the infographic at DEMA's website.