People at Georgetown’s Caroling on the Circle event Monday night were carrying more than a tune. They were also carrying armfuls of canned goods for the less fortunate.
Sussex County collected more than 14,000 canned goods and non-perishable items at its 33rd annual Caroling on the Circle this week.
Sussex County spokesman Chip Guy said the event was started in the early 80’s as a way to bring the community together and kick off the holiday season.
“And what better way to do that than by coming together, singing and lending a hand to those who are in need,” he said.
Guy said Sussex County is hoping to collect up to 20,000 canned goods and non-perishable food items by the end of the year.
That food will be distributed through 15 food pantries and shelters downstate.
“These tend to be the smaller, local level, community-based organizations that serve maybe a town or a small section of the county,” Guy said.
You can donate items at the Administrative Building on the Circle in Georgetown anytime during normal workweek hours -Monday through Friday, from 8:30 to 4:30.