Use of public transportation has plummeted as a result of the coronavirus. It is unclear whether fare revenue will rebound next fiscal year, and some…
The four transit providers in Newark are working together to study how to make their systems more effective. DART, the University of Delaware, Cecil…
The four transit providers in Newark are working together to study how to make their systems more effective. DART, the University of Delaware, Cecil…
DART is putting in new bus shelters or replacing old ones on several streets in Wilmington. New shelters are going in near the intersections of King and…
Wilmington is not the only place in Delaware where advocacy groups are calling for more bus service. The League of Women Voters of Sussex County wrote a…
DART presented a new round of proposed Wilmington bus route changes last week, while advocates continue to push for a reversal of previous changes. But…
A new round of service changes is scheduled for December, and DART presented proposed adjustments to eight bus routes at a "community conversation"…
The Coalition to Keep Bus Service on Rodney Square is seeking federal assistance in restoring the Rodney Square transit hub. Meanwhile, one of the…
State and local officials have pursued a new transportation center in Claymont for more than a decade, and a multi-million dollar federal grant awarded to…