Delaware’s COVID-19 Strategic Response Fund is accepting applications for another round of Vision Grants.
The Vision Grants Program is one of two parts of the COVID fund created by the Delaware Community Foundation and Philanthropy Delaware.
“The first part is the Community Grants, which are rapid and quick grants - getting out for services right now," said Delaware Community Foundation president Stuart Comstock-Gay. The Vision Grants piece of it is trying to encourage nonprofits to think about the big things they have in mind and give them some resources to put them in place. Or in this case, think about the big things and think about what planning they need to do to implement big changes.”
Comstock-Gay says previous Vision Grants helped Jewish Family Services create its statewide counseling network for people struggling while collecting unemployment during the coronavirus pandemic.
Comstock-Gay says money also went to Love Inc. of Mid Delmarva to build a centralized food distribution system in Sussex County.
He says they are encouraging nonprofits to think about big projects and what’s need to make them happen. That includes merging with other nonprofits.
“There are some organizations that are saying.'I’m not sure we’re doing this the best way, but hey, if we hooked up with another organization, we could really do something big.'" Comstock-Gay said. "I think mergers are always good to consider; I always encourage organizations (especially) when they’re going through a major personnel transition, for the board to consider - hey is this the time to link up with someone else instead of trying to go it alone.”
The application deadline for this round of Vision Grants is July 23 at 5 p.m.