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National Weather Service launches severe spring weather preparedness campaign

Spring has sprung, but that doesn’t mean the weather is going to be all sunshine and rainbows.

And that’s why the National Weather Service is launching its Spring Safety campaign.  


“Our seasonal safety campaigns are geared toward providing safety and information relative to weather hazards that are dealt with during the current season," said Brian Jackson, who runs the National Weather Service’s safety campaigns, which are based mainly on social media



Jackson said spring is when people get more active outdoors and start heading to the beach.

National statistics show that 68 percent of beach-related deaths are drownings caused by rip currents.

Severe storms, lightning strikes and hurricanes are other major concerns this time of year.


“When severe weather strikes go to your basement, storm shelter, bathroom or interior room of your house where you’re away from glass or that sort of thing.”

The NWS is encouraging people to take pictures in their safe place and post them to social media sites using #SafePlaceSelfie.


Delaware's Hurricane Awareness week takes place May 7 to 14. 

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