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Sportsmen bills take top billing in GOP message

Delaware’s Republican lawmakers are promoting a package of upcoming outdoor recreation bills as the newest session of the General Assembly gets underway.

In their weekly message, the GOP says it wants the state legislature to pass a bill granting immunity to those donating deer meat to needy people.


Currently, butcher shops that process the meat must retain a high-dollar insurance policy in case a recipient gets sick.


“By eliminating the threat of baseless lawsuits, this legislation holds the promise of increasing donations of fresh, nutritious food to our most vulnerable citizens," Rep. Jeff Spiegelman (R-Clayton), who sponsors the bill and co-chairs the Delaware Sportsmens Caucus.


Another proposal would make it easier to buy ethanol-free gasoline, but Spiegelman offered no specifics.


Below you can read the full transcript of the Republicans' weekly message:


I’m State Representative Jeff Spiegelman speaking to you from Legislative Hall.


In the last General Assembly, I co-founded the Delaware Sportsmen’s Caucus – a bipartisan group of lawmakers dedicated to protecting our state’s rich hunting, fishing, and trapping heritage.

As the 2017 legislative session gets underway, here is a look at some of the issues our group will be exploring.

The first is a bill already pending action.  House Bill 27 would expand the protections against civil and criminal liability currently enjoyed by those making good faith food donations to nonprofit organizations.  Under the measure, those making such donations to state agencies would also be shielded.

Further, the bill would offer immunity to those selflessly donating game meat to Delaware’s Sportsmen Against Hunger program as well as other non-profit groups and state agencies.

By eliminating the threat of baseless lawsuits, this legislation holds the promise of increasing donations of fresh, nutritious food to our most vulnerable citizens.

The caucus also wants to look at an issue troubling boat owners – ethanol-blended fuel. While a key aspect of our nation’s Renewable Fuel Standard, ethanol is well-known for attracting and holding water. 

This makes ethanol-blended fuels problematic for marine use. 

With boating and tourism vital to our state’s economy, it’s time we gave marine craft operators easy access to ethanol-free gasoline.

On another note, changing technology often presents lawmakers with new opportunities for our constituencies. 

In this spirit, the Sportsmen’s Caucus will be exploring the possibility of legalizing the use of so-called “air bows.” 

The new devices are best described as a cross between an air rifle and a crossbow – providing a quiet, accurate hunting weapon that appears well-suited to deer hunting in The First State.

Additional measures expected to come before the caucus will examine broadening the types of firearms, cartridges, and accessories available for harvesting Delaware’s white-tailed deer.

The 149th General Assembly promises to be dynamic and diverse for Delaware sportsmen and outdoor sporting enthusiasts.  

I would like to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for their continued support.