Even though its only NASCAR race weekend of the year is over, that doesn’t mean Dover Motor Speedway will go dark for the rest of the year.
Even with Firefly not on the schedule, there will be no shortage of events at Dover Motor Speedway and the surrounding property.
In August, the Mondegreen Music Festival featuring the band Phish will take place for four days at the Woodlands.
The holiday light festival – Gift of Lights – is expected back for people to drive-thru around Thanksgiving until New Year’s.
And Dover Motor Speedway President Mike Tatoian says a new event is coming at the beginning of June.
"We're going to have a Goodguys Hot Rod Association car show which is going to be an amazing car show the first weekend in June,” said Tatoian. “It's going to be one of the largest car shows in the Northeast. We've never had it before. It will be another major event, it could be attendance equal to a music festival or race weekend. We're expecting a lot of people that weekend."
Tatoian adds they’re always looking to add new events at the speedway.
Tatoian says they’re also looking to add events, and he explains what they’re looking for when they do so.
"How can we benefit the local community for economic development? But we're always looking for more events. We're always open to it, and our company does a great job of really looking for events. Incremental revenue is what we're looking for," said Tatoian.
There’s no official word if Firefly will be back or not in the future.