"College and Career Ready" is a mantra heard often from Delaware education officials. And one effort to address the “career” part of that equation is the…
Pathways is a private-public cooperative helping Delaware students prepare for the workforce. The New York-based global charity Bloomberg Philanthropies…
Delaware is one of 10 states receiving grant money to improve career-focused education across its high schools. Nearly $2 million dollars, coming from…
Participation in Gov. Jack Markell’s (D) signature vo-tech and dual enrollment program, Pathways to Prosperity, continues to surge into next school…
Gov. Jack Markell is touting the success of the state’s Pathways to Prosperity program in his weekly address.The program brings together employers, school…
Gov. Jack Markell’s weekly message highlights the progress he believes the First State is making in offering students STEM education opportunities.In…
In his weekly message, Gov. Jack Markell talked about preparing students for success in the new economy.He recently announced an additional Pathways to…
The state Department of Education is expanding its career preparatory offerings for Delaware high school students next academic year. The state is nearly…