Proposed legislation could move the Delaware Autism Program from the Christina School District to the Delaware Department of Education.Christina School…
There’s some confusion surrounding management of the state’s autism program.Lawmakers created a pilot program last year changing its focus to training…
A legal fight over education funding in the First State will continue into 2019. Combined with some new faces at Legislative Hall, that likely means more…
Raising students’ academic performance in public schools is likely to be an issue state lawmakers take up again next year.State Rep. Earl Jaques…
Some Delaware education advocates say they’re disappointed in the recent standardized test scores.The percentages of public school students across the…
A draft agreement between the state and Christina School District would consolidate the district’s Wilmington schools while offering more services.Five…
The Christina School District is the latest in the country to adopt a ‘safe space’ policy for students unauthorized to live in the U.S.Under the policy…