The Joint Finance Committee finished work on the last of the budget bills for next year. And this is the largest Grant-in-Aid bill in state history.…
Lawmakers approved the largest Bond Bill in state history after days of debates and disagreements. The budget bills are among the few Republicans have…
State lawmakers are sending next year’s operating budget to Gov. John Carney. After passing the House Wednesday, the state Senate approved the $4.77…
Tensions flared during Wednesday’s Bond Bill committee as lawmakers debated using surplus funds to boost some capital projects. State lawmakers looked at…
Major changes were made to DelDOT’s capital budget requests Tuesday. Drivers heading on I-95 through Wilmington may need to slow down in the work zone.…
The First State’s revenue forecast still looks good, but gains are slowing coming out of the pandemic. The Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory…
State lawmakers begin pulling together the final version of next year’s budget. The Joint Finance Committee Tuesday spent the first day of budget markup…
State lawmakers are questioning why the Department of Health and Social Services is failing to meet its requirement to fully fund intellectual disability…
The Division of Public Health reviewed its coronavirus response with state lawmakers Wednesday. What’s next as Delaware manages the COVID-19 pandemic was…
One of the state’s largest departments began its multi-day budget hearing Tuesday. Department of Health and Social Services secretary Molly Magarik parsed…