The Master Gardeners of Delaware partner with Delaware State University and University of Delaware on workshops to help people take their gardening to the next level.
Event coordinator Megan Pleasanton explains the goals.
"Master gardeners are trained volunteers through the University and they provide sustainable research based information to the public," said Pleasanton.
Information on plants and everything nature is available.
"We offer a variety of workshop topics throughout the year that are almost always free in every single county in the United States, so it’s a nation program,” said Pleasanton.
Volunteer Debbie Nicol notes there are a number of workshops that can be especially helpful.
"We do a lot of education on native plants," she said. "We've done some things on getting rid of invasive plants."
The next Kent County Master Gardeners Workshop is April 24th in Dover previewing the annual Master Gardener Scholarship Plant Sale.
More information on the Master Gardeners program can be found online through the Cooperative Extensions at Delaware State University and University of Delaware.