With temperatures inching towards triple digits in Delaware this week, the National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning for New Castle County. Officials warned residents in Kent and Sussex counties to be just as cautious of rising temperatures.
The excessive heat warning for New Castle County lasts through Friday, with temperatures climbing well into the 90's. National Weather Service Observing Program Leader James Bunker said temperatures in Kent and Sussex County could end up matching that heat, as well. With the heat index, it could feel more like 100 degrees outside.
“And what that can lead to is heat-related health issues, especially for the elderly and people who are already in poor health,” Bunker said. “The best thing we could recommend for folks is if they need to be out and about, drink lots of water. Stay away from the carbonated beverages and alcohol.”
Bunker said southern winds are to blame for the rising temperatures, which are hovering about five degrees above normal. The National Weather Service said relief is on its way by Saturday, when a cool front is predicted to roll in.