A new Boys & Girls Club facility in Dover is being bolstered by two large donations in the past couple months.
M&T Bank donated $100,000 to the Boys & Girls Club of Delaware this past week. That money will pay for a conference center at the nonprofit’s new $12 million joint-facility with Kent County that opened in Dover this past June.
“The conference center is a wing of that facility which consists of three large meeting rooms that can be used for a multitude of purposes: students, individuals and companies,” President of the Boys & Girls Club of Delaware George Krupanski said.
The Boys & Girls Club had already paid the $7 million for its half of the joint facility so Krupanski had been hoping this donation would materialize.
Back in July, the Boys & Girls Club also received a $10,000 donation from the PPG Industries Foundation. That money will fund science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education at the Dover facility.
The new 75,000 square foot Boys and Girls Club in Dover has been widely popular since opening earlier this summer. Krupanski said he had expected 300 children to join the club, and that number is now approaching 400.