A young male harp seal was rescued in North Shores in Rehoboth.
Rehoboth Beach residents vote to fill two commissioner seats August 14th.Four candidates are vying to represent the city as it grapples with new…
Sussex County Council moved forward with approving a boat storage lot in Lewes.It comes after months of debate and strong homeowner opposition to it.The…
Rehoboth Beach wants to address safety on crosswalks by making signage clearer for drivers. Improving pedestrian safety is an issue frequently debated by…
Rehoboth Beach held its annual municipal election Saturday, and voters decided to make a change.Incumbent mayor Paul Kuhns lost to former commissioner…
An off-duty seasonal Rehoboth Beach police officer is fired for making racist comments on social media.The Rehoboth Beach Police Department says it was…
With Delaware beaches opening for Memorial Day weekend, Rehoboth Beach Commissioners want other restrictions lifted, and more testing as an onslaught of…
Gov. John Carney announced Thursday that restrictions on beaches and community pools will be lifted 5 p.m. May 22, allowing them to open for Memorial Day…
This year’s Fourth of July holiday appears to be another success for businesses at the Delaware beaches. Hotels and motels in Rehoboth and Dewey beach…
An archaeological discovery unveiled Wednesday in the City of Rehoboth Beach sheds light on a part of Delaware’s 17th century history.In 1976, members of…