Planners are looking to address the truck traffic problem that residents around the Port of Wilmington face. Residents around the Port say heavy truck…
The state buyout of several residents near the Port of Wilmington is moving forward—after being delayed this spring because of the pandemic. The state…
The buyout of residents on a street near the Port of Wilmington has stalled.The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) was authorized to buy out…
Residents of Pyles Lane, a street nestled between the Hamilton Park neighborhood and the Delaware River Industrial Park near the Port of Wilmington, have…
A new state law could help DelDOT enforce restrictions on truck traffic in residential areas.Gov. John Carney signed a bill Thursday allowing state…
New Castle County continues to investigate solutions for two neighborhoods off Route 9 that are surrounded by heavy industry. A County-commissioned survey…
Residents of several roads along the Route 9 corridor near the Port of Wilmington have complained of truck traffic they say degrades their quality of…