The U.S. District Court for Delaware rejects in-person ballot access for eligible incarcerated voters, but their voting rights appear protected.
An effort to constitutionalize no-excuse and permanent absentee voting, as well as early voting failed to pass in the Delaware House.
The Delaware Voting Rights Coalition launches, voicing support for a change of the state’s absentee voting law.The group is Delaware’s first statewide…
Legislation already introduced for the upcoming General Assembly session could change how Delawareans vote absentee. Lawmakers passed an amendment to…
This week, Delawareans who already requested vote-by-mail ballots for November’s general elections started receiving them and could begin filling them out…
The state primary election is just days away. Tens of thousands are returning their ballots under the no-excuse vote-by-mail option. Delaware’s…
Delaware’s Attorney General announced she is suing the U.S. Postal Service to stop changes she says may suppress the vote this fall. The suit Delaware and…
Delaware voters should have received applications to vote by mail for September’s primary election. The Delaware Department of Elections says it has…
Delaware’s presidential primary had little bearing on the party nominees—but was the first time vote-by-mail was used widely in the First State.Roughly…
Vote by mail coming for fall elections; advocate reports confusion over presidential primary optionsAll registered voters will have the option of voting by mail this fall — without specifying why.Gov. John Carney signed the vote by mail legislation…