Could Delaware get another trail? Slaughter Beach and Milford are looking at a way to build a safer passage between their two towns.
After three years in the making, the new $34 million Milford Food Bank opens its doors to service the residents of Kent and Sussex counties.
Milford electric rates are increasing.
Milford’s new police department will be ready for operations next week almost three years after Milford residents approved a referendum to finance the project.
Milford City Council approves changes to a contract for upgrades at Memorial Park.
Perdue receives a temporary emergency air quality variance - allowing it to use a rental boiler at its Milford poultry processing facility.
DNREC’s DuPont Nature Center reopens next month.
Delaware is making a push to get more households signed up for the Affordable Connectivity Program.
Delaware’s top dignitaries, including President Joe Biden, pay their respects to former Governor Ruth Ann Minner Wednesday.
Healthcare providers Bayhealth and PAM Health are working together to expand rehabilitation services across Central and Southern Delaware.The…