Delaware launches a registration system to encourage mentoring.
The new statewide student assessment results show largely stagnant outcomes in overall student proficiency, hovering around single-digit increases and decreases in math and reading if not no change at all from last year’s data.
Familiar face returns as Christina School District interim superintendent as board tensions continueIn a contentious vote, the Christina School Board approves an interim superintendent- turning to a familiar name over an in house option.
Gov. John Carney is recommending $2.1 billion be allocated to the Department of Education in fiscal year 25, with $3 million for early literacy coaches and $10 million for additional funding units this year.
Senate and House Education Committees hear the Public Education Compensation Committee’s recommendations on educator pay raises, but some are concerned about school districts' share.
Due to budget constrictions, the Department of Education could not formally request teacher salary raises, but they hope Gov. John Carney's office will still consider enacting them.
A Georgetown-based charter school slated to open this fall is delaying its opening by one year.
The Delaware Department of Education hires a private firm to test for lead in drinking water in the state’s schools.
State lawmakers took a few hours looking over one of the state’s largest budget lines, the Department of Education.
Two big seats in Gov. John Carney’s cabinet were filled Wednesday.