The House Housing Committee clears two bills related to landlord-tenant rights and information.
The committee approved 11 recommendations for implementing the plan, including amending the Residential Landlord-Tenant Code to create penalties for landlords that fail to provide a Lead-Safe or Lead-Free certification.
State lawmakers are looking for a way to encourage landlords to accept renters in voucher programs.
Measures at the state and federal level aimed at protecting renters from displacement during the public health crisis are ending. Experts in Delaware…
Delaware lawmakers debated new protections for renters in the state Monday. The state’s African American Task Force approved a couple recommendations…
In their latest effort to improve the city’s rental stock, elected officials in Wilmington are pushing for landlords to be required to have business…
The City of Newark wants to crack down on “nuisance” properties. City Council members are looking for a legislative solution to prevent repeated code…
The Wilmington Mayor’s latest attempt to address the City’s housing stock through legislation has failed. The proposed city ordinance known as the “blight…
New Castle County Council unanimously passed legislation allowing property owners to effectively defer taxes due this week for up to six months without…
Experts and advocates predicted a wave of evictions once moratoriums lifted. That has not panned out locally, at least not yet. It's been a month since…