Currently, the Delaware Fair Housing Act and Residential Landlord-Tenant Code includes an exemption so landlords do not face legal action if they choose to not accept government-sponsored rental vouchers.
Under the new law, an approved training course must be completed within five years of the firearm purchase date, with concealed carry permit holders and current or retired law-enforcement officers exempt from the requirement.
The state Senate passed legislation on Thursday forbidding landlords from excluding all affordable housing voucher recipients from their rental units.
As a revised Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights reform bill is introduced in Dover, and it’s getting some pushback.
Democratic state lawmakers were mostly unsurprised by Gov. John Carney’s State of the State address.
State lawmakers are looking for a way to encourage landlords to accept renters in voucher programs.
At the final budget hearing this year, many stakeholders in the education sector staked their claim for an increase in funding.
How population shifts may affect Delawareans’ representation over the next ten years was the focus of lawmakers' latest redistricting hearing.
State lawmakers’ accomplishments this year include some progress on police reforms. Many lawmakers pushed for police reform measures in the wake of the…
Gov. John Carney signed a bill Thursday requiring public schools to teach certain elements of Black history. House Bill 198 requires all school districts…