She says like many state agencies, DSHA is understaffed and lacking resources, but she is concerned the larger issue may be that the authority’s review system itself needs a closer examination.
The Affordable Housing Production Task Force holds its first meeting, outlining the goals and timeline of the committee’s work.
The Delaware State Housing Authority awards over $5 million in Housing Stability Program grants to eight community partner organizations.
The Delaware State Housing Authority is expecting to receive around $9.5 million in federal funding and is seeking public input on how to spend those dollars.
Habitat for Humanity of New Castle County and the Delaware State Housing Authority are promoting initiatives that support homeownership.
Currently, the Delaware Fair Housing Act and Residential Landlord-Tenant Code includes an exemption so landlords do not face legal action if they choose to not accept government-sponsored rental vouchers.
The Delaware State Housing Authority launches its new website.
The bipartisan legislative package filed on Thursday known as "The Housing Agenda" aims to incentivize public and private investments in new construction, bolster existing state programs and create new opportunities for higher density development in Delaware.
The Delaware State Housing Authority is scaling back the Delaware Mortgage Relief Program.
The Delaware State Housing Authority says the recently released Housing Needs Assessment data confirms what it’s hearing — Delaware households are cost burdened.