The first round of results from the 2020 Census are out, and state officials are happy with Delaware’s count. Delaware did not hit the one million mark…
The U.S. Supreme Court decided Tuesday to suspend a lower court decision forcing the Census Bureau to keep counting through the end of the month. The…
Earlier this week the U.S. Census Bureau confirmed reports it is cutting short its count of every person living in the U.S. by a month. Local advocates…
Months into the 2020 census count, Delaware’s self response rate lags behind the national average—and the self response rates of Pennsylvania, Maryland…
While Delawareans deal with a deadly pandemic and record unemployment, the U.S. Census Bureau continues to collect responses to the 2020 Census. The…
With Census Day right around the corner, advocates for a complete count in Delaware are dealing with a whole new set of challenges. The count of every…
The 2020 U.S. Census is less than a year away. As state, county and municipal governments are kicking off efforts to ensure a ‘complete count’ in the…
New Castle County kicked off its 2020 census efforts Wednesday with a job fair at the Rt. 9 Library. The U.S. Census Bureau is hiring between 1,500 and…
Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki recently issued an executive order creating a committee to ensure an accurate count of city residents in the federal census…
In a lecture through the State Division of Historical And Cultural Affairs Monday, Principal Chief of the Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware Dennis Coker…