Delaware revenue numbers keep rising as lawmakers move to draft the next fiscal year’s budget.The Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council's…
Contractors providing bus drivers to Delaware school districts say it’s too early to say whether a pay increase will help with driver shortages.State…
Delaware lawmakers signed off Monday on a new voting system for the First State.The co-chairs of the Bond Bill Committee released money set aside in the…
Gov. John Carney (D) signed the state’s $4.32 billion 2019 operating budget Thursday.The spending plan includes $1,000 salary increases for state workers,…
Delaware’s 2019 operating budget is heading for Gov. John Carney’s desk. It's a $4.27 billion spending package.State lawmakers said they’ve kept budget…
The Bond Bill Committee approved more than $816 million for capital projects in the upcoming fiscal year Thursday.The spending is a nearly 40 percent…
The Delaware Senate passed the state’s 2019 operating budget Wednesday.The spending plan approved by the Joint Finance Committee earlier this month…
The Joint Capital Improvement Committee faces some difficult choices on funding for Delaware’s colleges and universities.The state’s higher education…
The Joint Finance Committee has approved its recommended budget for fiscal year 2019. But some state employees weren’t entirely happy with the…
The Joint Finance Committee has drafted its recommended operating budget for next fiscal year. But the fate of all Grant-In-Aid funding remains up in the…