Cleaning up water in the First State is on lawmakers’ minds this session.Delaware is close to creating trust fund to help increase spending on water infrastructure in DelawareAnd late last month, a bill was introduced looking to set specific state limits on PFAS chemicals in drinking water.Contributor Jon Hurdle takes a closer look at that bill and how it compares to similar efforts elsewhere.
One incumbent of the Blades Town Council has been re-elected, while another was ousted in Monday’s election.Councilman and Streets Commissioner Russell…
The Blades groundwater contamination site will be added to the Superfund National Priorities List this month. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency…
Five Blades residents have filed what they hope will become a class action lawsuit on behalf of over 1,300 residents against several companies they blame…
Some Delaware residents will have their blood tested in a new federal study of toxic chemical exposure near military bases around the country. The area…
Additional private wells in Blades area have tainted water.Officials from DNREC and Delaware’s Division of Public Health say two more private wells tested…
Testing on private wells in Blades area have discovered water from at least one is contaminated.Officials from DNREC and Delaware’s Division of Public…
Two weeks after finding wells in the Town of Blades to be contaminated, state officials say the water there is safe to drink once again.Last week, the…
Blades officials started flushing water through the town’s new carbon filtration system Tuesday to get non-carbon treated water out and carbon-treated…
Seaford residents are being told their water is safe.DNREC and Division of Public Health State says no perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were found in…