The enrollment period to obtain health insurance through the federal Affordable Care Act is now openDelaware begins its 12th year of open enrollment on the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace.
More people enrolled for coverage through the Delaware Health Insurance Marketplace than ever beforeIt’s a record year for signups for the Health Insurance Marketplace in Delaware.
Delaware mirrors the national trend as it continues to see an increase in signups for health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) during…
The First State is seeing more enrollment for Affordable Care Act healthcare coverage. Delawareans, like others nationwide, are taking advantage of added…
Starting next week., Delawareans get another chance to sign up for health insurance this year under the Affordable Care Act. This opportunity was created…
Despite a pandemic and attempts to tear down the Affordable Care Act, Delaware saw continued growth. Over 25,000 Delawareans signed up for coverage…
The deadline is approaching to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act in Delaware. State insurance officials say the number of people…
Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court hears a case seeking to strike down the Affordable Care Act. If it succeeds, it could cost ACA policyholders in the…
Sen. Tom Carper recently spoke about what’s at stake for veterans when the Affordable Care Act goes before the U.S Supreme Court in November. The…
Delawareans using the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace get two pieces of good news this week.The state’s Department of Insurance says rates on…