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Enlighten Me: ‘Counted Out’ documentary explores the hidden influence of mathematics

Vicki Abeles
Underlying our daily lives lies an invisible layer of algorithms and calculations few of us notice or understand, something that 'Counted Out' explores.

In today’s information-driven world, math is everywhere; shaping the people we meet, the news we consume, and the jobs we get. Whether we recognize it or not, our ability to speak the language of math plays a crucial role in determining who holds social and economic power and who doesn’t.

The new documentary ‘Counted Out’ delves into the math that underpins our democracy and how to become fluent in the numbers that shape our world. Starting this Sunday, the Delaware Council of Mathematics Leaders (DCML) is hosting a screening of ‘Counted Out’ in each county.

In this edition of Enlighten Me, Delaware Public Media’s Martin Matheny is joined by Crystal Lancour – past President of DCML and current Supervisor of Mathematics in the Colonial School District – and Jamila Riser – Executive Director of the Delaware Mathematics Coalition – for a preview of ‘Counted Out.’

DPM's Martin Matheny explores 'Counted Out' and the power of math with Crystal Lancour and Jamila Riser

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Martin Matheny comes to Delaware Public Media from WUGA in Athens, GA. Over his 12 years there, he served as a classical music host, program director, and the lead reporter on state and local government. In 2022, he took over as WUGA's local host of Morning Edition, where he discovered the joy of waking up very early in the morning.
Kyle McKinnon is the Senior Producer for The Green with a passion for storytelling and connecting with people.