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Arts Playlist: Author Ethan Joella’s new novel ‘A Quiet Life’

Ethan Joella’s new novel, ‘A Quiet Life,’ is set in a close-knit northeastern Pennsylvania suburb, and Joelle says he hopes the story about loss and grief is life-affirming

In this week’s Arts Playlist, he spoke with Delaware Public Media’s Kelli Steele about his follow-up to last year’s ‘A Little Hope.’

Delaware Public Media’s Kelli Steele talks with author Ethan Joelle about his new novel 'A Quiet Life'

There’s a new novel from a Rehoboth Beach author.

Ethan Joella’s A Quiet Life is set in a close-knit northeastern Pennsylvania suburb.

Joella says the idea for this story came when he overheard a group of senior men talking, “One said he was making his first trip to Florida without his wife. And I started thinking about my grandparents and my wife's grandparents who had always “wintered” somewhere warmer like that…so the writer in me got started thinking about this character Chuck or had the decision if he should go to their place in Hilton Head (SC) this year on his own, or if he should just cancel the reservation and stay where he was.”

Joella calls A Quiet Life a life-affirming novel that showcases people dealing with loss in their own way, “I think A Quiet Life deals with some of the same - not the same people that A Little Hope dealt with -  but the same kind of themes of showing up for one another and sometimes if you’re going through these really hard things - there are people right near you who can help you in marvelous ways.”                                                        
Joella says this book explores those themes through its three main characters and how they each all grapple with loss.

Delaware Public Media' s arts coverage is made possible, in part, by support from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency dedicated to nurturing and supporting the arts in Delaware, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Kelli Steele has over 30 years of experience covering news in Delaware, Baltimore, Winchester, Virginia, Phoenix, Arizona and San Diego, California.