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The Green - August 5, 2022

Delaware Public Media

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How to navigate back-to-school shopping twists this year

August is here and for many families that means getting kids the gear they need for school this fall.

This year, back-to-school shopping comes with a new set of challenges, as inflation leaves many trying to figure out how to pay for everything they need.

Contributor Eileen Dallabrida takes a closer look at the back-to-school shopping landscape and how families can get everything their kids need.

Contributor Eileen Dallabrida highlights the current back-to-school shopping landscape.

Explaining the U.S. Military’s recruitment crisis and how it's unfolding in Delaware

The U.S. Military faces what’s described as its worst recruiting environment since the all-volunteer force was established in 1973.

A number of factors are plaguing recruitment efforts, and military leadership is looking at long and short-term strategies to reverse a downward spiral caused by the pandemic, an unstable economy, and a shrinking pool of eligible candidates.

For a broader look at the military’s recruitment shortfall and what the issue looks like in Delaware, Delaware Public Media’s Joe Izarry spoke with Senior Reporter for the Army Times, Davis Winkie, and Sergeant Major Pablo Cortez with Delaware National Guard Recruiting.

Delaware Public Media's Joe Izarry discusses the U.S. military’s recruitment shortfall with Senior Reporter for the Army Times, Davis Winkie, and Sergeant Major Pablo Cortez with Delaware National Guard Recruiting.

Arts Playlist: Delaware Division of the Arts latest round of funding

The Delaware Division of the Arts announced its first round of grants to support arts projects statewide in Fiscal Year 2023.

The agency is investing almost $3 million in more than 110 arts and community organizations that provide everything from arts programming and services, to arts education, marketing and promotion.

In this week’s Arts Playlist, Delaware Division of the Arts director Jessica Ball discusses this latest round of funding with Delaware Public Media’s Kelli Steele.

Delaware Public Media’s Kelli Steele talks with Delaware Division of the Arts director Jessica Ball about the impact of DDOA's latest round of funding.

Enlighten Me: Preserving the 180-year-old Buttonwood home

Buttonwood is a 180-year-old riverfront “summer home” in the City of New Castle and is associated with a 19th century Delaware Supreme Court Chief Justice.

But it has fallen into disrepair and faces several obstacles to avoiding demolition by neglect.

In this week’s Enlighten Me, contributor Larry Nagengast explains these obstacles as part of his ongoing examination of historic preservation efforts and issues in New Castle County.

Contributor Larry Nagengast explains the obstacles in preserving a 180-year-old Buttonwood home in the City of New Castle.

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