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Blood Bank of Delmarva makes urgent call for type-O donations

Joe Irizarry

After a significant drop in blood donations in recent weeks, the Blood Bank of Delmarva is experiencing a critical shortage of O-negative and O-positive blood types and is urgently calling on blood donors to help replenish the supply.

The Blood Bank describes the shortage as dangerous – the supply is the lowest it’s been since the early days of the pandemic.

Delmarva Blood Bank Communications Specialist Tony Prado says need always increases in the summer as hospitals see more traumas and emergencies.

“And some of those cases can use an inordinate amount of blood," Prado says. "And it can wipe out your supply in just a day even.”

O-positive is the most common blood type in America, and O-negative is the universal donor blood type, so Prado says keeping those two supplies full is critically important.

Prado says about 62 percent of the population is eligible to donate, but only three percent do.

“So if you’ve never tried it, and you’re walking around perfectly healthy, I urge you to try it," Prado says. "What have you got to lose except for a pint of blood? Which I promise you, your body will replace within 24-hours with a little good hydration.”

The Blood Bank has five donor centers statewide – soon to be six in early August with a new center in Middletown. Those looking to donate can find one of those locations or sign up to give at a mobile center at

Rachel Sawicki was born and raised in Camden, Delaware and attended the Caesar Rodney School District. They graduated from the University of Delaware in 2021 with a double degree in Communications and English and as a leader in the Student Television Network, WVUD and The Review.