USDA grant sparks specialty crop research

Phillip Sylvester

Lima bean and truffle research will soon be underway in Delaware thanks to a new $300,000 grant from federal officials.

The money will be split among eight projects up and down the state, mostly involving specialty crops.

State Department of Agriculture spokesman Dan Shortridge says money devoted to these types of research broadens growing options for Delaware growers.

“Farmers today aren’t the stereotypical Old McDonald type. A lot of farming involves science and the research done under these grants and other ways is really critical to helping expand farmers’ knowledge,” Shortridge said.

Past research funded by these types of grants has been even more exotic, including a look at persimmons.

“Other farmers have looked at different varieties of sweet cherries, figs, strawberries, certain types of blueberries. Farmers are always looking for new products and new ways to do things,” Shortridge said.

University of Delaware will lead the lima bean research, specifically focusing on making the crop disease resistant and learning more about special varietals.

Blue Skies Farm near Georgetown will spend three years to see whether edible truffles can grow and be harvested in the Mid-Atlantic climate.

Other projects include courses for young farmers, outreach initiatives promoting healthy eating habits and another marketing campaign promoting live Christmas Trees.

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