In every state capital Tuesday, electors cast their votes for President and Vice President of the United States as part of the 2024 Electoral College process.
"Electors have cast 3 votes for Kamala D. Harris, of the state of California for President of the United States and 3 votes for Tim Walz of the state of Minnesota, for Vice President of the United States," said Bullock.
That’s Delaware Secretary of State Jeff Bullock at the state’s proceedings at Delaware State University in Dover as Delaware’s electors cast their votes for Democrats Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for President and Vice President.
Harris won in Delaware in November, but lost the election to Republican Donald Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance.
The actual voting process also included an educational session for middle and high school students across the state on the Electoral College process and its history.
Bullock presided over the actual vote, but when talking to the students, he voiced his opposition to the Electoral College.
"I'm not sure it works as well as it did in the beginning, and the reason I say that is because we’ve had now several elections in recent years, where one candidate won the popular vote and another candidate became the President of the United States and that doesn't sit well with me," said Bullock.
Bullock notes despite his and others’ disapproval of the Electoral College, he doesn’t expect it to be eliminated in his lifetime.
The University of Delaware’s Center for Civics Education conducted the session, and its director, Fran O’Malley explains what happens after the vote.
"It's the responsibility of the Secretary of State's office to send to Washington DC to the President of the Senate and also to the National Archivist copies of the electoral votes, which are up here sitting on the table here, by December 25th. They're received there, and then they are transferred over to Congress on January 6th," said O’Malley.
On the 6th, before both houses of Congress, the Vice President – who is also Senate President – reads the votes and announces who is formally elected President.