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Delaware’s Department of Agriculture is offering help to remove old poultry houses

Poultry House Demolition Assistance Program
Delaware Department of Agriculture

Delaware’s Department of Agriculture launches the Poultry House Demolition Assistance Program. The program provides cost-share assistance to help remove old poultry houses that are no longer useful.

Delaware Ag Department Chief Administrator Jimmy Kroon says there are about 2,300 poultry houses in the state - and about 200 need to be removed.

“They’re really big. Up to 600 feet long- the size of 2 football fields. So, being that big they’re very expensive to take down. And the poultry industry has evolved, so some of these older buildings don’t really meet the needs of a modern poultry farm anymore,” he explained.

Once poultry house roofs deteriorate, their removal becomes time sensitive.

Over time, soil under poultry houses can accumulate mineral nutrients through the diffusion of the ammonia in manure. If rainwater enters the house, it can cause excess nutrients to seep into the groundwater.

There is $415,000 available in the program. It will reimburse poultry house owners 50% of the cost to safely remove the house, up to a maximum of $10,000 per house.

Kroon says while some houses can be removed for less, he expects a majority of applicants will qualify for the maximum amount of $10,000. Applications will be accepted through May 1, 2023.

Applications will be accepted through May 1. Prior to approval, DDA Nutrient Management staff will perform a site visit.

Applications for the Poultry House Demolition Assistance Program can downloaded at

Programs such as NRCS-EQIP also provide cost-share assistance for poultry house remediation, and can be combined with cost-share through the DDA program. However, DDA will not reimburse expenses that are covered by another source.

Quinn Kirkpatrick was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware, and graduated from the University of Delaware. She joined Delaware Public Media in June 2021.