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Coverage for uninsured children under consideration by state lawmakers

Delaware Public Media

The Joint Finance Committee will soon consider funding a program to provide medical coverage to Delaware children ineligible for Medicaid.

The bill’s sponsor - State Rep. Krista Griffith - says the goal is to provide access to preventative care and other key services to several thousand uninsured low-income kids, including undocumented children.

Currently, children who don’t qualify for Medicaid or similar programs depend on emergency rooms and other state-funded healthcare providers, but Delaware State Education Association Legislative Director Kristin Dwyer says those options are limited.

“For a child who has asthma or diabetes, or behavioral health issues, you are at the mercy of the generosity of healthcare systems, you are at the mercy of state funded, federally qualified health care centers," she said, "and your treatment and your care will be inconsistent.”

Dwyer adds leaving health conditions untreated means children may miss school more often and develop more serious health conditions later.

Some lawmakers are concerned about the price tag, which would rise above $7 million by the program’s third year. But last week, Griffith introduced an amendment cutting the program’s three-year budget in half; she also predicts initial uptake of the program could be low at first.

"Of those who are eligible, we don't really know how many will participate. This population is fearful of coming forward and receiving services given concerns relative to deportation," she said. "However, we also know that families are participating already in a program that the state has to spend money on for emergency care."

While the bill is still waiting for a House vote, the Joint Finance Committee is considering funding for proposals waiting for action.

Paul Kiefer comes to Delaware from Seattle, where he covered policing, prisons and public safety for the local news site PubliCola.